A quite disapoinnting week to say the least in relation to college, It was planned that I would be having another session with John on Tuesday but due to me not really being at my pc that much lately I didn't check my emails and missed the seesion, although I wasn't well enough to attend but I still should check emails on a daily basis and keep a check on important dates.
Still feeling unwell on Tuesday evening I was going to leave it until the morning to see if I was ok to attend college but after another bad night there was no chance I could make college, flu and cold bugs don't bother me a bit as you feel better out in the fresh air but when a sickness bug hits you its not a nice thing to have when out in public, it did the rounds at my work and now it looks like i'm the last to get it. I feel heaps better now and can concentrate on my college work now.
Whlist I was off, I checked over the feedback my fellow peers had given me about my website. On first impressions I thought a lot didn't like my buttons but when putting it into some kind of table just under a third of the group didn't like them in which I decided against changing them, if a few more would have disliked them then I proberly would have changed them. The thing to learn about feedback from a group is that not everyone is right and just because a few people don't like something about your site it dosn't mean you have to change it, you just have to go with what you think is right.
I first designed the site without buttons and wasn't that impressed by it, so if i'd have left it like that people wouldn't have liked that. One thing I did change and got to admit it made an improvement to my site was the text as previously mentioned in a past blog I had the text as comic sens, its a text i've used to make personal websites in the past on which I thought looked good but just never changed the text around, I found a text I liked and stuck to it. On this site I changed the font to arial and straight away it made it look more professional and I think its a text i'll stick with in the future.
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It was mainly a 'crack on with it day' other than Jonny Haynes' talk about his work and company which you can read about on various blogs.
Only other main point is you need to take Rob off your fellow peers list as he is not coming back to the course unfortunately.
At the end of the day it's your final choice whether or not you decide to act upon the feedback you've been given.
If you didn't get much feedback saying you really should change the buttons then you probably did right not bothering.
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