Sunday, March 11, 2007

Builder? More Like Collapse

Over the weekend I was still suffering a bit from the sickness I had for the past week or so, and college wasn't really top of my list, this really couldn't have happened at a worse time. And having problems with my email account I didn't recieve emails as quickly as I should have done, in which reading them could have gave me a better chance of passing the A5 assignment. One of my goals was to allow validation of XML 1.0 documents according to W3C specifications in which I thought I had done. But in where it said "url source" on I inserted just in which it passed and it gave me a little icon saying my site had passed, but over this weekend I decided to click the icon and it said the site hadn't passed and had automatically put in the "url source" this is a silly and simple mistake and in future i'll spend more time on this.

When looking over my assignment I realised I haven't even mentioned my college site url, again a silly mistake. I spent 2 full days on my evaluation and making sure I had everything I should have for deadline day but looking back I was just unorganised which is very unlike me, i'm definatly expecting a referal now but at least I know where I have gone wrong and will make sure that I spot these things long before I hand assignments in.

On deadline day I did feel like I had everything done its just like after every deadline day some things cross your mind about the assignment and I decided to check everything over and over again.

Other then that, this has been my most enjoyable and constructive time at college so far. I feel that now I am getting stuck into what made the course sound attractive to me in the first place, less writing and more design work. I am looking forward to the next assignment but am also prepared that I will more then likely have a referal hanging over me too.

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