Tuesday, February 20, 2007

More Feedback

Firstly I would like to apologise for the lateness in posting my blog for last week, I usually always make sure I have my blog entry online by each weekend but I have hardly been at my computer since college last wednesday. Anyhow, last week was about collecting feedback from our peers on our websites so when we came into college on Wednesday we had to have a questionaire on what feedback we wanted on our sites and also we had to have some pages up on our sites. I had all my pages online apart from the feedback form in which earlier in the week I was due to meet up with Dean and he was going to try and give me some help and advice on how to create an active feedback form but due to illness it never happened.

I was really looking forward to Wednesday, getting to look at other peers websites and also to see what people thought of mine. I was very impressed going around the class and seeing peoples websites, only just picking out little errors in peoples work. Overall it was a nice mix of peoples abilities from what they have learnt in other courses and no ones site looked nothing like each others.

The one thing I realised when I tried my site on other computers is the buttons took a long time to load, and it was never in my plan to design buttons it was just something I learnt to do and felt I needed to include them. A lot of people picked up on the buttons and how they felt they was confusing in which now I have to agree with them but was just a bit reluctent to change them, but the peoples vote count and I will be changing them. Something else people noted on was my text, I used comic sans as I just wanted a different text then most people would use but have since changed it all to arial as it does look better. Just shows how much the feedback from others does help.

When I was reading other peoples questionaires I found that a few of them hadn't really been given much thought and some questions just kept repeating themselves, and I also found the ones where people just expect you to tick a box, I prefer more comments on my questionaire but I suppose with the ticking boxes method you could gather an evaluation of the whole feedback questionaire results more easier. As when I was putting all my feedback together it was taking me longer to put it all together into some kind of results. But each to their own way.

1 comment:

Craig Burgess said...

I suppose it depends what kind of information you want to gather whether you make the majority tick boxes or long answers.

Theoretically speaking there should be an even balance, but sometimes that just isn't possible. I found myself wanting specific answers to certain things, and for that I needed Yes/No questions.

Next time though I think I'm going to include more long questions.