Design 1
This was one of my original ideas and one I showed the whole class when we had to show our logos, then one certain classmate mentioned that it looked like the Batman logo which put me off a bit, so I decided to ditch this one.
Design 2When we did the task to design buisiness cards for Widget World, Steve mentioned that one of the most effective logos was half black and half white with the text vice versa, thought it looked quite neat at first kind of simple but effective and I suppose this would have been my next choice in my final design.
Design 3Sticking with the same idea as Design 2 I just decided to play around with mixing black on white, and white on black. Sketched a few designs like this in my sketchbook but found I could design this one easily enough in Freehand.
Final design
I sketched a design basically identical to this in one of my sketchbooks, and I had thought that I had sketched something that I couldn't create on screen, luckily after going through a few fonts in Freehand I found a perfect text. After a bit of altering I managed to create this design, you also know what it is when you zoom out also, which after presenting our logos to the class I didn't really think about this.
Although I do have a couple of ideas for the design of my cd, i'm still not fully decided on how I want it to look. After listening to the cd 3-4 times all I can really think of is sounds similar to splashing water and ocean waves. Part of my self study for this week is to listen again but with a pencil and sketchbook in my hand and just try for ideas and see how I get on. I know I should have these ideas by now and be ready to start designing my cd package but I really want to make the effort so that the packaging on the cd does give the effect of what the music sounds like.
As always, comments are welcome on the logo designs, even the ones that didn't make it.
Personally, I like your final design the best. I think it generates more of an ambient feeling than the other logos. I think ther could be more done to the W though... it looks out of place. apart from that its looking good
4/24/2007 2:28 PM
You made the right decision with the final logo. Any reason it's not a particular colour? Would maybe look more striking blue and orange, brown and yellow etc. or any other contrasting colours just to make it look less flat/monotone.
I thought that black and white is the most common colour on small labels like that so didn't really want to change the colour of it. I tried it with yellow and blue but it just looked too childish.
I have to agree that Logo is the best overall although I did like design 3 as well. I think that it looks good in black. I've found out that you need to be careful with colours too as colour can make a big difference. Good logo though!
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