Thursday, March 22, 2007

Music Is Power

The words from the great man himself could not be meant more this week.

When I chose my selection for which cd I wanted to design for I had a good look through the list and found a lot of wierd and wonderfull names in which I thought the more wierder the title the more wierder the music, how wrong I was! First thing Steve said to me when I walked in on Wednesday was that I have proberly chose one of the worst cds of the lot and then kept bringing it up all day to make me think more about how awful it could possibly be. I thought a simple title like "A Day In The Park" couldn't possibly be that bad, one of the first things I did when I got in on Wednesday evening was play it and was pretty shocked, although I haven't heard it all way through yet I feel I should get a disctintion just for hearing it all through! Mindst you it could be worse it could be a Madonna album!

I was looking forward to Wednesday as I've always had a keen taste in doing logo designs I can even remember at primary school when I had a load of my work up in the main hall about logo designs and through to secondary school when I had to design a logo for a theme park which all merchandise material too in which I recieved an A in my final year exams. This I know will be a lot different as we didn't do as much rough sketching as we are doing now and the final design was done in pencil, so it'll be a great way for me to transfer my sketch ideas into digital designs. I didn't want to look at other peoples ideas until I did a good few on my designs as I didn't want anybodys work to influence mine, but after doing a few sketches I think most the group will have the same kind of ideas but just depends on how they present them. I have 2 designs that I am happy with at the moment in which I feel I can play around more with just need to find another 2.

Having looked at a lot of logos in my studytime last week I tried using some of them ideas to include in my own and hopefully I might be able to publish some of my work in freehand over the weekend on my blog.

Time planning was also on the agenda this week, which is something I have struggled with over the start of the year. Some methods in which Steve said really did make sense and one especially in which I think might help my time planning is set times to study. Due to my job I don't know what hours I am doing from one week to the next so I can't really have a set time each week to study but for next year when I find out what day we will be attending college each week I'll make sure I always book 2 days off work a week and use one of them days for most of my study work and juggle the rest around work. My time planning has been poor of lately, or evidence of proving has been poor but I do realise how important it is and will just have to make it one of my top priorites in future.


Craig Burgess said...

With me recently starting a new job it's meant that I can finally set myself time aside to do work on a regular basis, and also get myself into a routine.

I know what it was like before, and I just seemed all over the the place all the time. I felt like I never got any proper graft done at home, because I was always doing bits and bats here and there.

If you can, definitely try and get a routine going.

Dean said...

Carrying on from your little talk about the HMV logo, saw an interesting snippet on the BBC website about Gromit from 'Walace and Gromit' taking over from nipper for 3 months for a special promotion.